

Japan, home to some of the greatest technological innovations throughout history has now decided to go down the path as well and cave into the pressures of the content industry to combat piracy and copyright infringement. Earlier this week Japan approved an amendment to its copyright law which will give authorities the right to imprison citizens for up to two years simply for downloading copyrighted material

We at Anonymous believe strongly that this will result in scores of unnecessary prison sentences to numerous innocent citizens while doing little to solve the underlying problem of legitimate copyright infringement.

If this situation alone wasn’t horrible enough already, the content industry is now pushing ISPs in Japan to implement surveillance technology that will spy on and every single internet user in Japan. This would be an unprecedented approach and severely reduce the amount of privacy law abiding citizens should have in a free society.

To the government of Japan and the Recording Industry Association of Japan, you can now expect us the same way we have come to expect you in violating our basic rights to privacy and to an open internet.


Anonymousが日本政府とレコード協会に“宣戦布告” 違法ダウンロード刑事罰化に抗議
#opJapan  Expect US

[3169] Posted by buzei at 2012/06/27 17:09:49
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  1. 2NN (2ch News Navigator) (75 PV)
  2. 2ちゃんねる(2ch)検索 掲示板 - スレタイ、過去ログ、全文検索 (7 PV)
  3. 伝説の男、瓜田純士さんが新宿駅構内で2週間前に割腹自殺を図る (4 PV)
  4. ログ速(ろぐそく、logsoku) - 過去ログ スレタイ検索 全文検索 (4 PV)
  5. [掲示板]2ちゃんねる(2ch.net) (3 PV)
  6. 岡沢高宏の相棒でヤクザの金村剛弘(金剛弘)が西新宿の路上で襲撃され死亡 (2 PV)
  7. 「暴力と麻薬に汚染された芸能界」を告発する梨元勝の「遺言状」 (2 PV)
  8. 市川海老蔵さんを殴ったのは関東連合の男という噂 (1 PV)
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  10. 平野綾さんに似た人物が裸でキスしている写真が雑誌に掲載され騒動に (1 PV)


  1. 2NN (2ch News Navigator) (1015 PV)
  2. 2ちゃんねる(2ch)検索 掲示板 - スレタイ、過去ログ、全文検索 (54 PV)
  3. ログ速(ろぐそく、logsoku) - 過去ログ スレタイ検索 全文検索 (19 PV)
  4. [掲示板]2ちゃんねる(2ch.net) (19 PV)
  5. 伝説の男、瓜田純士さんが新宿駅構内で2週間前に割腹自殺を図る (18 PV)
  6. 5ちゃんねる(5ch.net、旧2ちゃんねる)掲示板 (16 PV)
  7. プリンセスガーデンホテル女性社長の「片岡都美」氏はフジモリ元大統領夫人 (9 PV)
  8. 読売新聞「石井誠」記者変死事件 (7 PV)
  9. 岡沢高宏の相棒でヤクザの金村剛弘(金剛弘)が西新宿の路上で襲撃され死亡 (6 PV)
  10. ジェイコム男、投資家BNF氏が消息不明 (5 PV)


